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AXmos Cinematic Guitars

AXmos Cinematic Guitars

20% off

Need to create suspense, tension, and movement in your production? AXmos Cinematic Guitars sound library is just for you! Atmospheric elements, crazy chords, impacts, movements, reverses, soundscapes, distorted melodies, musical sound design, and transitions are some of the things you will find in this collection, produced using a Stratocaster type electric guitar.

For that reason, the sounds have a deep and musical feeling with such versatility that you can use them as effects or to enhance musical productions, generate a sound design musical moment and even compose tracks. Check out the Demo!

Total Size 2.4 GB
No. of Samples 150
Lapsed time 68m
Formats .WAV 96k 24bit
Listen to demos
20% off
Full description


Apart from being a great sound library for Horror or Sci-fi games and movies, this collection is great for movie trailers too.

Sounds included:

  • Atmospheric elements (designed, distortion, high, low and tremolo)
  • Chords (evocative chords, dark arpeggios and fantasy)
  • Impacts
  • Melodies
  • Movements
  • Pads
  • Reverses
  • Soundscapes (surreal and tension)
  • Transitions
Product specs
Product Number
Total Size of Samples
2.4 GB
Total Number of Files
Format and Resolution
.WAV 96k 24bit
Lapsed Time
Current Version
Metadata Available
Other Metadata
License Description
Single user license, royalty-free - for a multi-user license, click here

My name is Matías Cerviño. I’m a sound designer and producer of sound effects libraries from Argentina.

Works with any DAW

AXmos Cinematic Guitars

20% off

Need to create suspense, tension, and movement in your production? AXmos Cinematic Guitars sound library is just for you! Atmospheric elements, crazy chords, impacts, movements, reverses, soundscapes, distorted melodies, musical sound design, and transitions are some of the things you will find in this collection, produced using a Stratocaster type electric guitar.

For that reason, the sounds have a deep and musical feeling with such versatility that you can use them as effects or to enhance musical productions, generate a sound design musical moment and even compose tracks. Check out the Demo!

AXmos Cinematic Guitars
AXmos Cinematic Guitars

AXmos Cinematic Guitars


Need to create suspense, tension, and movement in your production? AXmos Cinematic Guitars sound library is just for you! Atmospheric elements, crazy chords, impacts, movements, reverses, soundscapes, distorted melodies, musical sound design, and transitions are some of the things you will find in this collection, produced using a Stratocaster type electric guitar.

For that reason, the sounds have a deep and musical feeling with such versatility that you can use them as effects or to enhance musical productions, generate a sound design musical moment and even compose tracks. Check out the Demo!


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