Over 20 popular sound packs from 2022, deeply discounted, and 50% off for a limited time — USE CODE: GOODBYE22 at checkout!

Non-Engine Sonata Noises

Non-Engine Sonata Noises


Sit back, relax, and listen to all the sounds a car makes.  No, not the hum of the engine, not the tire squeal either, but everything else.  Non-Engine Sonata Noises includes sounds (noises) of various button, switches, compartments, doors, slams, and even an automatic seat inside a 2013 Hyundai Sonata.  These are the features you interact with ever time you step and sit inside the car, but get drowned out by the frustrations of traffic and stop lights.  

Total Size 1.32 GB
No. of Samples 56
Lapsed time 39m
Formats 24 Bit / 96 kHz
Full description


This sound pack totals 56 sound files with over 1224 sounds recorded in MS using the Sennheiser MKH8050 and MKH30.  Flip on the heated seat switch, and search through meta-data tagged using Soundly and Basehead.

Product specs
Product Number
Total Size of Samples
1.32 GB
Total Number of Files
Format and Resolution
24 Bit / 96 kHz
Lapsed Time
Current Version
Metadata Available
Soundly & Basehead
License Description
Single user license, royalty-free - for a multi-user license, click here
All You Can Eat Audio

All You Can Eat Audio was founded by Jeremy Zussman in December of 2016 under a single concept- record as many different sounds as possible using a single object. A Foley Artist by nature, Jeremy has a fascination with manipulating objects to create unique and unnatural sounds.

Works with any DAW

Non-Engine Sonata Noises

Sit back, relax, and listen to all the sounds a car makes.  No, not the hum of the engine, not the tire squeal either, but everything else.  Non-Engine Sonata Noises includes sounds (noises) of various button, switches, compartments, doors, slams, and even an automatic seat inside a 2013 Hyundai Sonata.  These are the features you interact with ever time you step and sit inside the car, but get drowned out by the frustrations of traffic and stop lights.  

Non Engine Sonata Noises Sound Effects Library
Non Engine Sonata Noises Sound Effects Library

Non-Engine Sonata Noises


Sit back, relax, and listen to all the sounds a car makes.  No, not the hum of the engine, not the tire squeal either, but everything else.  Non-Engine Sonata Noises includes sounds (noises) of various button, switches, compartments, doors, slams, and even an automatic seat inside a 2013 Hyundai Sonata.  These are the features you interact with ever time you step and sit inside the car, but get drowned out by the frustrations of traffic and stop lights.  


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