Over 20 popular sound packs from 2022, deeply discounted, and 50% off for a limited time — USE CODE: GOODBYE22 at checkout!

Streamer Alert Sounds

Streamer Alert Sounds

23% off

Cue in high energy, excitement and crazy good alerts for your games with our newest pack, Streamer Alerts Sounds, a alert and notification music library featuring a variety of blood pumping 20-25 seconds in duration music cues, alerts, notifications & more. Streamer Alert Sounds is perfect for game notifications, intros, outros, creating high energy, game victory, game over, splash screens, reveals, positive moments, YouTube, videos and so much more.

Explore through all the essential alert sounds for all your game like New Cheer, New Donation, New Follower, New Host, New Raid, and New Subscriber spread across alert sounds styles like Trance, Slap House, Military Orchestral, Laid Back Synthwave, Sci-fi, Future Bass, Electro, & Trap.

Total Size 285 MB
No. of Samples 49
Lapsed time 16m
Formats 48k/24-Bit .wav
Full description

Sound alerts, when used correctly, can significantly improve the quality of your stream, game or video. Sounds, when used correctly, can surprise or delight your viewers, increasing their likelihood to engage. During a heated livestream, one or two events may be lost in the heat of the moment. If the creator is about to face a difficult boss or is the last survivor of a match, the stream takes a back seat for a while. There are alert sounds or stream alerts to ensure that donations, new subscribers, followers, raids, and other events receive the attention they deserve.

The alert sounds are fantastic for live streams, video games, logos and videos. When used correctly the alert sound increases engagement, but they also work exceptionally well as video game notifications, game wins, victory cues, and positive reinforcement.

Product details:

  • 49 music alert sounds
  • All in 48k/24-Bit .wav
  • 270+ MB of music samples
  • 16 minutes of music
  • Each music alert is around 20-25 seconds in duration
  • Perfect for game notifications, victory, game over, intros, splash screens, YouTube, videos
  • All music is 100% Royalty Free
Product specs
Product Number
Total Size of Samples
285 MB
Total Number of Files
Format and Resolution
48k/24-Bit .wav
Lapsed Time
Current Version
Metadata Available
License Description
Single user license, royalty-free - for a multi-user license, click here
Epic Stock Media

Epic Stock Media is a digital media company established in 2014. We create, publish and distribute sound and digital media products that change the way you hear and interact with audio in games, films, TV, live performances. Our products are used around the world, anywhere people consume digital media.

Works with any DAW

Streamer Alert Sounds

23% off

Cue in high energy, excitement and crazy good alerts for your games with our newest pack, Streamer Alerts Sounds, a alert and notification music library featuring a variety of blood pumping 20-25 seconds in duration music cues, alerts, notifications & more. Streamer Alert Sounds is perfect for game notifications, intros, outros, creating high energy, game victory, game over, splash screens, reveals, positive moments, YouTube, videos and so much more.

Explore through all the essential alert sounds for all your game like New Cheer, New Donation, New Follower, New Host, New Raid, and New Subscriber spread across alert sounds styles like Trance, Slap House, Military Orchestral, Laid Back Synthwave, Sci-fi, Future Bass, Electro, & Trap.

Streamer Alert Sounds
Streamer Alert Sounds

Streamer Alert Sounds


Cue in high energy, excitement and crazy good alerts for your games with our newest pack, Streamer Alerts Sounds, a alert and notification music library featuring a variety of blood pumping 20-25 seconds in duration music cues, alerts, notifications & more. Streamer Alert Sounds is perfect for game notifications, intros, outros, creating high energy, game victory, game over, splash screens, reveals, positive moments, YouTube, videos and so much more.

Explore through all the essential alert sounds for all your game like New Cheer, New Donation, New Follower, New Host, New Raid, and New Subscriber spread across alert sounds styles like Trance, Slap House, Military Orchestral, Laid Back Synthwave, Sci-fi, Future Bass, Electro, & Trap.


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